This week draws the close for Season 2 activities. We are looking forward to season 3 as we will be able to showcase all the hard work and dedication of our ISHCMC students have committed to so far.
In Rhino Sports, Season 2 will conclude with the SISAC City Championships for both Primary and Secondary athletes. Meanwhile, U19 Football has already commenced for our Secondary students, and other sports will open registration and host tryouts at the start of Season 3.
Please stay tuned for updates and details from our Athletic Directors.
In Production, the secondary team is going to the final leg of Robin Hood for performances in March. Whereas, the primary team has finished auditions in season 2 and will continue rehearsals of Finding Nemo with performances at the beginning of June.
At IPAA, Students will have their spring showcase in late May for secondary and June for primary, showing the skills they developed throughout the season.
In Primary Clubs and Activities, students will have more opportunities to explore and develop their interests. At the Secondary level, we are introducing new activities while continuing to offer ASAs from Season 1. For example, one of our student-led groups, Sonder Struck, has been preparing projects to feature in the upcoming local art event, the O:Cean Exhibition.
Registration for all ASAs (Primary and Secondary) will open on SchoolsBuddy on February 10, and Season 3 will begin on Monday, February 17.
In Aquatics, swimmers are training diligently for their upcoming events, including the Swim Series, a dual meet with SSIS, the BIS Invitational, and our very own ISHCMC Invitational at the end of May.
Meanwhile, the Learn-to-Swim program, Stingrays Pups, will kick off Season 3, with registration opening soon on SchoolsBuddy.