On Friday 3rd September the Saigon Online Community partnered up with CLFitness, Hanoi to put on a 'Burpees for a Cause' charity event. As we are all aware Vietnam is currently struggling with its most difficult Covid-19 wave. Adults and children are suffering all over the country so we decided to incorporate our love of fitness into giving back to the community. We set out with the aim of raising 100,000,000 VND for Blue Dragon Children's Foundation, Christina Noble Children's Foundation and Blossom House, Hanoi.
We also set ourselves a burpee target of 100,000 burpees. We held a 24 hour zoom call where members of the community joined different coaches who hosted fun fitness sessions to help us complete our burpees. Those participating then recorded their burpees and made a donation to one of our 3 chosen charities. The community spirit throughout the whole event was like no other.
People joined the zoom call from all over the world, made donations from all over the world, did burpees at 2, 3 and 4am and some people who had never done a burpee before did hundreds, all in the name of charity. We are so proud to say we smashed both of our targets and will be eternally grateful to the community we have in Ho Chi Minh, Hanoi and beyond who came together for the greater good. We did it!
The Saigon Online Community is an online community that started 15 weeks ago with the aim to help people stay active and connected during lockdown. The community provides online fitness and yoga sessions Monday to Saturday and now incorporates social events/workshops at the weekend. We have hosted cooking classes, quizzes, technique and form workshops, an online social and a mental health talk from Dr. Astrid (Saigon Psychology & Co).
If you would like to find out more about the Saigon Online Community please email Rebecca Forbes, Grade 2 teacher - rebeccaforbes@ishcmc.edu.vn or visit our social media pages.
Instagram - @saigononlinecommunity