September 2022

Attendees: Caleb Archer, Secondary Principal; Catherine Nguyen, Director of Community Engagement; Tony Le, PTO, & Michele Becnel, PTO.
Topic & Concerns
Bus Departures After ASAs
Are there combined buses – ASA students need to wait after drama/competitive sports teams – thereby waiting 1 hour at school?
Students now travel during rush hour, esp. to D7
This question was also raised by parents in Elementary. Apologies but there is only an early and late bus at this stage. We will ask again and find out if there is a work around to this situation.
Language Exchange
Lack of offering of host country’s language. At bare minimum, if a class cannot be offered, facilitating a Vietnamese/English exchange club for kids and parents.
Caleb to discuss the option of a VN language CAS group that serves foreign students and parents. Report back at the next meeting.
Provide more than 1 microwave to be available for all students.
Two more have been ordered after feedback for students and parents
earlier in the year. We are waiting for them to arrive.
Carrying Cash
Use a smart card system- do not have students carry too much cash due to issues of theft.
This is an option we are discussing with the food vendor as a possibility starting in Semester 2.
Sport Fields
Students should be able to access school sport fields and courts to practice and have games outside of school hours and to be supervised by PTO or parents.
Happy to explore this further and report back.
Sport Coaches
Have outside coaches versus teachers who have an interest in the sport.
Please contact Ramon Ornelas directly for detailed info about specific sports. Teachers take ASA’s as part of being a member of ISHCMC and not as an additional job. We use teachers wherever possible to ensure we can offer a range of sports free of charge to remove barriers to participation.
Female Health
Free sanitary pads and tampons in all girls restrooms.
Caleb to discuss the option of doing this as a CAS project.
More vegetarian meal sandwich options (hummus, vegan cheese, baba ghanoush etc.) in the canteen
There are plans for a food committee, until that starts we are happy to have a food representative.
Seating options. Surprised at the lack of seats for students to eat properly.
This has been addressed, please let us know if it continues to be an issue.
PE as Part of IB
Can PE be considered as part of the IB curriculum?
It is a compulsory art of the MYP. In the DP it is an optional academic subject.
Sport Facilities
There are not sufficient facilities for kids to play competitive sports – thereby not creating more opportunities (B/C teams) for kids to play. Is it possible to rent facilities for kids to play? [50+ U15 kids tried out for basketball- only 15 made it… why not have a B team? Is it a coach issue or facility issue?]. Any plans to re-purpose more space for sports?
Please attend the HoS Forum with Kim Green to learn and inquire about future school renovations.
There is a lack of community feel in walking the halls.
We agree and are working on it. Please keep an eye on the halls over the next few months. As we come back from two years of COVID disrupted learning.
Teacher Demeanor
Teachers look defeated. Teachers do not project energy of trying.
Students are commenting about boredom.
Language offerings insufficient. Very “one size fits most” and for those that do not fall in “most”, the school is rigid in offering acceptable solutions.
Extremely poor. Suggestion for middle school years (6,7,8) to ease in going completely student comms by copying parents for news about sports tryouts, CAS, etc. Communicate the latest about the operations mishaps from the first weeks of school (to the parents!) Also better communication to parents when code of conducts are issued.
Visibility of Leadership
More meet the (team) leadership – get out there more. Conduct a State of
the Union/Town Hall forum for parents to feel heard.
Hot Topics
How are issues of drug use, sex, eating disorders being addressed?
Phone Usage
Agree upon a plan and communicate.