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Speaker Series for Parents: A Chance to Meet and Learn from Experts in Child Development

Writer's picture: ISHCMCISHCMC

ISHCMC is excited to announce the lineup for Speaker Series for Parents talks during the first semester of our 2023/2024 school year.

The ISHCMC Speaker Series for Parents is a whole school programme designed to bring knowledgeable internal and externally recognized experts to our campus every month to discuss important topics on parenting, child and adolescent well-being and development. The mission of the programme is to help parents feel more confident and prepared to parent their children in an ever-evolving world, and to create a stronger community of support for parents by educating them on resources in the city and introducing them to experts. After each talk, our Deputy Head of School will contextualize the speaker’s information to the school's specific environment, culture, and policies through a brief “ISHCMC Context,” and concluding finally with Question & Answers.

As a Whole School opportunity, every monthly talk is open to any parent in our school community, irrespective of which campus the talk is located at. We also extend the invite to any of our interested teachers and staff who want to learn more about child development and parenting skills. Please register to attend these talks by following the School Newsletters to find the sign-up link.

The Speaker Series for Parents talks intend to:

-Provide parents with up-to-date information on child development.

-Share with parents up-and-coming parenting techniques and look at current challenges in a new way.

-Help parents to build strong relationships with their children.

-Empower and remind parents of their unique family value systems they can always lead from even as the world changes.

-Educate parents about services and organizations in the city (i.e. family counselors, support groups, etc)

-Create a sense of community among parents who are interested in similar topics and share parenting experiences.

-As a conclusion, briefly contextualize the information to the school's specific environment, culture, and policies.

Here are all of the topics that will be covered within Semester 1 in the speaker series. We hope to see you there:

Brain Development Stages: What Every Parent Needs to Know

  • Speaker: Dr. Antony Schaffarczyk - Director of Wellbeing and Safeguarding at ISHCMC

  • Time: Tuesday, September 5th, 2023

  • Part 1 at Primary Campus 8:30 - 9:30 AM: The Early-Childhood Brain: What Every Parent Needs to Know between ages 2-11

  • Part 2 at Secondary Campus 6:30 - 7:30 PM: The Teenage Brain: What Every Parent Needs to Know between ages 12-18

  • REGISTRATION: Sign-up here.

Screen Time and Online Safety: Family Agreements and Boundary-Setting

  • Speaker: Dr. Tosca Killoran, Deputy Head of School at ISHCMC

  • Date: Monday, October 2nd, 2023

  • Time: 4:00 - 5:00 PM

  • Campus: Secondary

The Addiction Crisis: Understanding the Risks to Young People in Ho Chi Minh City

  • Speaker: Tony Louw - Child Psychology at Learning Strategies

  • Date: Wednesday, November 1st, 2023

  • Time: 6:30 - 7:30 PM

  • Campus: Secondary

Possible topics to look for in Semester 2: Raising kids in HCMC, bullying, combating racism in an intercultural community, positive discipline, creating healthy relationships, LGBTQIA+ support, and more.

Do you know a great speaker or have a suggestion for a talk? Come to our Speaker Series and share your ideas with the team.

As a reminder, all parents in our school community are welcome at each talk. Every month, we will release a registration form in our Newsletter for you to sign-up to attend. If you would like to learn more about the talk in the meantime, kindly contact for more information.



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