Please join members of our IT learning team for a workshop at each campus to help you better understand the Learning Management Systems (Toddle, SEQTA, Powerschool) that we use at ISHCMC. We understand there are a lot of platforms to navigate in this digital world and we want to help you understand the systems that our teachers, parents, and students need to succeed.
We have two sessions for each campus that focus on these unique systems. Slides will be translated in 3 languages. Parents will have access to translated slides with a QR code. This workshop is in person and will also be recorded.

We have two sessions for each campus:
Primary - Powerschool and Toddle
Monday, April 3
8:30 - 10:00 AM
Primary Meeting Room
A video call link to watch the session can be found - Here
Secondary - Powerschool and SEQTA
Monday, April 17
8:30 - 10:00 AM
MPR - 318
A video call link to watch the session can be found - Here
Please RSVP here attend this workshop. We will email you the day of the workshop to confirm your attendance.
For any questions, please reach out to: