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Guide: How to Order School Photos

Writer's picture: ISHCMC ISHCMC

Here are the instructions on how to access your child's School Photo Access Codes on the PowerSchool platform:

1. Click the link to access the PowerSchool platform

2. Look for the "Forms" section and click it (please note, PowerSchool provides one account per family. If you have more than one child, do note that each child has a different tab with their own specific information - child's names can be found underneath the PowerSchool logo on the top left hand side)

3. Scroll down to find the "School Photo Access Codes" section

4. You will then see a link to Picture Day, our school photo supplier, and your child's School Photo Access Code

4. Click on the "Picture Day" link

5. Enter your child's School Photo Access Code in the provided field.

If you cannot find your School Photo Access Code, please contact Picture Day -



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