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Rhino Academy Term 4 - Class Descriptions

What is Rhino Academy? Rhino Academy seeks to entertain, educate, and bond our parent community closer together through co-curricular courses taught by our very own teachers and parents! Our community has a wide array of skills and experiences to offer. Term 3 offers our first courses, and we will continue to expand for Term 4 and beyond. Interested in teaching a class in the future? Questions about Rhino Academy?

Get in touch:

Term 4 Dates

Weeks of May 08 - June 09, 2023

5 sessions (1 per week)

To enroll

Step 1: Please read the course descriptions below.

Step 2: Please enroll here: ENROLLMENT LINK FOR ALL CLASSES by Friday, May 05.

Step 3: You will receive a confirmation email on Monday, May 08 if the class is set to run.

Step 4: If your class costs money, the payment instructions will be included in that confirmation email.

All Classes
  • Yoga - Mondays 8:15 - 9:30 AM @ Primary

  • Intro to Procreate®: iPad Illustration App - Tuesdays 8:30-10:30 AM @ Primary

  • Positive Parenting Workshop - Tuesdays 6:30 - 8:30 PM @ Primary

  • Parents-Kids Cooking - Tuesdays 3:00 - 4:00 PM @ Primary

  • CLASS FULL - Healthy Recipes w/ Romi - Wednesdays 1:00 - 2:30 @ Primary

  • Parents-Kids Chess - Wednesdays 3:00 - 4:00 PM @ Primary

  • Baseball Clinic - Wednesdays 6:30 - 8:30 PM @ Primary

  • Creative Writing: Short Story - Thursdays 6:00 -8:00 PM @ Secondary

  • CLASS FULL - Intro to Vietnamese Language - Thursdays 3:00 - 4:00 PM @ Primary

  • Intro to French Language - Fridays 8:30 - 9:30 AM @ Primary

1. Yoga

Class Description: Join Luana Wagner, Primary parent and certified yoga instructor for 90 minute breathing and Vinyasa yoga sessions every other week for the remainder of the term. A slow but powerful flow, this class uses the breath as a spell to awaken your inner world, in all different and magical ways. For more info on this style of yoga, please visit Instagram handle @mamaste_saigon.

Course Requirement: Yoga mat. (These yoga classes are open to all levels, from complete beginners to those who have been practicing for years.)

About the instructor: Luana Wagner, also known as @mamaste_saigon, is a certified 500hr Yoga Instructor of Yoga Alliance International. She specializes in Pre and postnatal Yoga, as well as Hatha, Vinyasa and Restorative Yoga. She thrives in connecting and nurturing her students through the practice of meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, self-massage, and a number of sacred rituals. She supports and inspires her students to find their most creative and empowered self. Her passion drives her to create a loving and supportive community, making this life journey exciting, real and joyful.

Class Date and Time: Mondays 8:15 - 9:30

Location: Primary Campus

Instructor: Luana Wagner, parent

Cost: 250k per class.

2. Intro to Procreate®: iPad Illustration App

Class description: Do cool artwork on your iPad - your entry to Procreate software and the world of digital illustration. Examples of digital illustration:

Procreate is the most affordable, intuitive and simple tool to start any digital creative journey on the iPad. Procreate lets you “draw and paint” with a vast range of brush strokes and mediums from acrylic to watercolor, dotted lines etc. You can take it absolutely as far as you wish in your preferred medium - from the simple line drawing to a very detailed, professional piece.

And best of all - you can undo anything you’ve done with the tap of two fingers, rather than throwing out your canvas. But how do you get started? This could be hours of fun if you understand the principles.

In this course, you will learn how to use the Procreate app. We will go into topics like how to choose your colors, working from a reference, stylistic choice, and how to export your artwork in the right way to retain its quality. You will create illustrations and images and work on a project during each class. But most importantly - we’ll have fun on the way.

The format and teaching style is informal. Come, bring a friend and a coffee and let’s be creative together. This course is for beginners who have no experience with Procreate, and would like to learn the principles.

Course Requirement: You will need to bring an iPad with the Procreate app installed and preferably a stylus pen for a more precise result, but you can also draw with your finger. The Procreate app is $10 on the apple store, so you will need an Apple ID to purchase it. ISHCMC has 10 iPads and 10 stylus pens for us to borrow - enroll quickly to reserve yours.

About the instructor: Kris Kehlet, is an illustrator specializing in digital design, pattern designs and wall art. Her background is in concept development, marketing and communications, and for many years never picked up a pen to draw. But since she jumped into digital illustration 3 years ago, she hasn’t looked back. You can check out her website here and other works on her Instagrams @posterboys_girlfriend, @kris_kehlet. She started posterboys_girlfriend, producing illustrated gift wrapping paper, face masks, and various fun client projects where I work with illustration like wall art for hotels, corporate visual identities, etc.

Class Dates and Time: Tuesdays, 8:30-10:30 AM

Location: Primary - PTO Board Room (behind outdoor basketball court)

Instructor: Kris K, parent

Cost: 2 million VND for entire course (400k per class)

3. Parenting with Positive Discipline Workshop Series

Class description: Interactive Workshop Series for parents of kids 2-10 years where you will learn about Positive Discipline.

Positive Discipline is an approach to parenting rooted in mutual respect. It is neither punitive nor permissive, striking the healthy middle ground. It is centered around your relationship with your child, because a healthy emotional relationship is the foundation.

Over 6 weeks, you’ll be equipped with the Positive Discipline principles and tools that will nurture your relationship with your child, while inviting problem-solving, cooperation, independence, and respectful communication. You will learn:

  • How to eliminate morning and bedtime struggles

  • How to be kind AND firm

  • Alternatives to traditional punishments such as yelling, time-out, or smacking

  • How to set limits that stick

  • Simple, tangible and effective tools that you can use straight away to create a more peaceful home

  • Why and how to regulate emotions

  • How to set up family meetings for connection and effective problem-solving

  • The reasons behind WHY child misbehave, and what you can do to help

The workshops are fun, experiential, and interactive, with opportunities to step into the child’s world to understand which discipline methods work, and which do not. This first series of workshops are for parents of children aged 2-10 years old.

You will receive: Weekly practice tasks, handouts, supplemental readings, and a supportive group.

About the instructor: Rebecca Archer is a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator and Early Childhood Educator, teacher, and the mom of 3 energetic kids. Originally from New Zealand, Rebecca has been working with children, families, and women for over a decade as a teacher, facilitator, parent educator, writer, community founder, and event manager in the international community. She is passionate about helping parents deepen the connection with their children, and equipping them with simple everyday strategies to build a cooperative, respectful, fun, family life.

Class Dates and Time : Tuesdays 6:30 - 8:30 PM

Location: Primary Campus - Primary Meeting Room (next to uniform shop)

Instructor: Rebecca Archer, parent

Cost: 4 million VND (666,000 per class) or 6 million VND for two parents/guardians.

4. Parents-Kids Cooking Class

Class Description:

JuniorChef is all about helping kids have confidence in the kitchen, and now we are delighted to offer Parent-Kid classes where we will create delicious dishes as well as have a lot of fun! Kids still get to cook cool culinary creations, but this time with one of their favorite teammates alongside them. Parents will learn a thing or two about cooking, but more than that, get a practical experience of how we adapt recipes and processes to make them accessible to little ones, so you can keep cooking together at home!

About the instructor: Same instructors for students ASA cooking class - Junior Chef.

Class Date and Time: Tuesdays 3:00 - 4:00 PM

Location: Primary Food Tech

Instructor: Seamus and Junior Chef

Cost: 2,750,000 VND (this cost is for you and your child together. 550.000/session)

5. Healthy Recipes w/ Romi - CLASS FULL

Class Description: Join Romina Campana, Primary parent and amateur cook for a 90 minute recipe-building class with cooking demonstrations. You will learn about Gluten and Sugar-Free recipes and how to replace some ingredients in your every day diet for healthier options. This class is just for adults to learn recipes that kids and adults will enjoy. The lessons are planned for you to come home with a taste of every single recipe, your own recipe book, and motivation to go bring what you've just learned home to your family!

Course Requirement: Bring your five senses and a big appetite!

About the instructor: Romina is Alessandro’s mom, a Creative Furniture & Photography Stylist Manager and a passionate baker for her Friends and Family. All her cooking knowledge comes from her Nona, her Mom and her 44 years around the kitchen, watching cooking TV shows, reading Cooking Books and Cooking for the ones that She loves! She learned that we need balance in our diets, and to Bring that balance to her Family’s diet she started digging and learning about healthier but still yummy options of the everyday baked dishes that we love! And as She always said: if my son approved! I know I nailed it!

Class Date and Time: Wednesday 1:00PM-2:30PM

Location: Primary Food Tech

Instructor: Romina Campan, parent

Cost: 1,500,000 VND (300,000/session)

6. Parent-Kids Chess

Class Description: In five lessons with Chess Plus Academy, parents will learn about chess rules, tactics, and teaching methods. The teachers will focus on the "Playing format" method to help parents improve their chess teaching skills. Additionally, they will emphasize the importance of "Pattern Recognition" in chess for children's development. Overall, the goal is to equip parents with the knowledge and skills necessary to teach chess effectively to their children.

Course Requirement: All provided

About the instructor: Same instructors for students ASA cooking class

Class Date and Time: Wednesday 3:00 - 4:00PM

Location: Primary S4 Town hall

Instructor: Chess Plus Academy

Cost: 1,750,000 VND (350,000vnd/session)

7. Baseball Clinics

Class Description: Calling any and all adults from all levels! It's a baseball clinic! Mr. Manabu Kitabori & Cao Chi Dung from Japan-Vietnam Baseball Association will teach you skills from how to use the bat to advanced baseball techniques and strategies. We will use soft balls, and instructors can speak English, Japanese and Vietnamese. Though it is a skills-based clinic, it’s mostly an opportunity to have a ton of fun. All baseball equipment will be provided.

Course Requirement: Only come in your comfortable clothes for sports

All baseball equipment will be provided!

About the instructor: Manabu Kitabori & Cao Chi Dung have been working together as partners in promoting baseball in Vietnam for 6 years with the Japan-Vietnam Baseball Association in Vietnam. As the most well known players in the Vietnam baseball community, Manabu played baseball for over 30 years and had played with Takashi Toritani in the WBC (World Baseball Classics) in the same team at the high school national championship in Japan. (甲子園Dung is an active player of the Vietnam National Team for international tournaments. Their main goal is to make people smile through baseball and they are currently teaching baseball at universities and junior high schools in Vietnam too.

Class Date and Time: Wednesdays, 6:30 - 8:30 PM

Location: Primary Field

Instructor: Hiroshi Kawaguchi(EN, Parent ), Manabu Kitabori(JP), Cao Chi Dung(VN),

Cost: 1,750,000 VND (350k per class).

8. Creative Writing: Short Story

Class Description: Find the Course Syllabus from the instructor here. This is a class for aspiring writers, students, and lovers of literature to study the craft of creative writing, research and write their own fictional short story, and become published authors.

The course lectures, activities, and discussions will be in the English language. There will be 10 hours of in-person instruction for the entire class plus 60 to 90 minutes of one-to-one private consultations with the instructor (two 30- to 45-minute sessions). There will be an additional option of five hours for student discussion of assigned short stories (see below) as well as to share the progress of their own short stories. All course materials will be provided. The first private session will be when the student has written around 3,000 words of his/her short story. The second private session will be when the student has written at least 5,000 words and has a good sense of how to end the story. The private

sessions are intended to help the students finish their short story so it can be ready for publication in the anthology by the deadline.

About the instructor: The Saigon Writers Club is a private and in-person creative writing class for people who have always wanted to write and publish fiction. The founder and instructor is Sam Korsmoe, an American writer who has written and published two books, will have his third book published in August/September 2023, and was a journalist for several years. He has taught creative writing to adults and youth and has accumulated 10,000 hours of writing practice.

The Club’s first five creative writing classes have been completed and its first three short story

anthologies have been published .

Class Date and Time: Thursdays 6:00 - 8:00 PM.

Location: Secondary

Instructor: The Saigon Writers Club

Cost: The cost of the class is 5,000,000 VND which is inclusive of all course materials,

teaching, consulting, and your final story which can be published.

9. Intro to Vietnamese Language - CLASS FULL

Class description: English Language Acquisition teachers Karla Andrews & NamHee Park will teach interactive conversational English classes on topics such as:

  • Conferencing skills for school.

  • Making small talk in social situations.

  • Conversational topics - travel, food, culture & hobbies.

The class will mostly be informal while teaching important grammar in a supportive environment. Activities will involve role plays, real-life scenarios, short presentations and Question & Answer sessions to boost your confidence in speaking English.

Class Dates and Time : Thursdays, 3:00 - 4:00 PM.

Location: Primary Campus - Room 417

Instructor: Hang Nguyen, Leader of Learning, Vietnamese Teacher(ISHCMC)

Cost: Free

10. Introduction to French Language

Class Description: Meriem’s French courses are based on interactive communication and dynamic exchanges . Combining fun with efficient learning and skills improvement through :

- Real life conversations

- Pronunciations, grammar, reading and comprehension.

This course is not just about language learning but it’s also a gate to discover French culture, literacy and a very rich heritage , if you can’t wait to expand your French vocabulary and communicate in a confident way . If you want to make a good impression on your next trip to France ! Join us in the Rhino academy’s French course .

Course Requirement: None!

About the instructor: Meriem is a seasoned French teacher. She has graduated in French literacy with and has an MBA Marketing. She has been teaching French in middle school for more than ten years along with one to one classes for professionals and students of different levels. On top of that she has also held various pedagogical background positions : School Head, Training Manager at ministry of education. She is interested in the cultural exchange that the ISHCMC Community can offer.

Class Date and Time: Fridays 8:30 - 9:30 AM

Location: Primary

Instructor: Merium Kadri (Parent)

Cost: 1,000,000VND

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